Advisor - Clara Oswald (Colourless)

Clara Oswald card image

Clara Oswald (who) 332

#Changelings (7):
Bloodline PretenderBloodline Pretender card image (khm) 235 #top10k #Changeling
Maskwood NexusMaskwood Nexus card image (khm) 240 #top1k
Amorphous AxeAmorphous Axe card image (mh1) 219 #Equip
Runed StalactiteRuned Stalactite card image (lrw) 260 #Equip
Three Tree MascotThree Tree Mascot card image (blb) 251 #top10k #Changeling
Barkform HarvesterBarkform Harvester card image (blb) 243 #top10k #Reach #Changeling
Universal AutomatonUniversal Automaton card image (mh1) 235 #top10k #Changeling

#r= gives the edhrec rank of the card; the lower the ranking, the more decks the card is played in.